or The Minotaur, or 10 Acts (1-5), or Bullshit

by Cornelius with Gabriele Christian

April 17-19

April 17, 18: 8PM
April 19: 3PM Matinee
CounterPulse, 80 Turk Street, SF CA

boycow, or The Minotaur, or 10 Acts (1-5), or Bullshit, is a thought form, a choreography, an incantation, a litany, word-labyrinth made of social contracts, coconut oil, confetti, greek myth and playing herself, as herself, the THEATER.

A singular solo performed simultaneously on two bodies in separate spaces.

The audience members are invited to move between the rooms, leaving one performer, coming to the other performer, coming to the other audiences.

We could say “queering the myth of the Minotaur.”

We could say “a choreography of language.”

We could say, “Apocalyptic Art for Apocalyptic times.”

We could say “Wait, just wait. Please Stay”

“boycow” or “The Minotaur” or “10 Acts (1-5)” or “Bullshit” is presented through CounterPulse’s curated Co-Production Program and is made possible with support by The San Francisco Arts Commission and the Zellerbach Family Foundation and the California Arts Council.

Co-produced by Frascati Producties, Amsterdam Netherlands and supported by Ammodo.